Monday 6 January 2014

The MOJO reader.

Gender Ratio
26.9% 73.1%
ABC1 profile
% of ABC1 Profile

Age Range

Above is the Reader Profile of another inspiration for my Music Magazine; MOJO. Here w can see that the ABC1 Profile is smaller percentage (60% approx.) than that of Q's, with an even greater male readership (73% approx.). It is here then, that perhaps MOJO's more nostalgic approach is shown as the music covered mostly include artists and bands that grew in the 60's and 70's from working class backgrounds, such as The Kinks, The Clash, The Who and The Jam and so their loyal followers from a similar era and background prefer a publication that champions their successes. This point is supported by the Age Range data, which shows a wider range of ages in MOJO's Reader Profile, and includes greater percentages for the more "mature reader" than that of Q, which favours a far more contemporate approach to music.
Source: NRS January 2011 - December 2012

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