Wednesday 8 January 2014

Above is the first draft for my Contents Page. From my research into Contents Page used by other magazines such as MOJO and Q, I found that a simplistic layout was often used, which I feel is done to be more ascetically pleasing to the target audience. With this in mind I've placed the actual Contents on left hand side, clearly divided into numerous sub sections so that the magazine is clear to understand, and takes a no nonsense approach. An image of the front cover is placed in the top left hand corner of the page, which I found is often reciprocated in numerous other publications, of any genre, hereby giving my music magazine a more professional touch. An image of the cover artist is used as a back drop to the contents page to reiterate their importance in the issue. Finally a Pull Quote from the main article concerning the band covers the bottom of the page to maintain the audiences interest in reading further into the publication.

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