Saturday 28 December 2013

Above is the moodboard that represents my younger target audience of 16-25 year olds. The moodboard shows how the youth of today frequently indulge in todays party lifestyle as seen with the images of club events and Carlsberg adverts. Images of singing round a campfire shows the laid back, care free attitude of the 16-25 age bracket. Music is clearly a huge part of the social group I am targeting; images of festivals such as Glastonbury and the Reading&Leeds festivals show how they equally enjoy live music as well as buying CDs. A range of the music genres favoured by m target audience (and soon to be covered in my music magazine) are depicted through the images of Emeli Sande and the Arctic Monkeys.

An appreciation of more iconic bands and their backgrounds are displayed through the images of the Rolling Stones, band t shirts and statue of Freddie Mercury in Zurich. My moodboard displays how this age bracket also appreciate older forms of music production seen in the photos of record stores. The TV show "Skins" displays how my target audience have other interests outside of music. This idea is carried on through the images of the work of Banksy. Copuled with this, is the image of the ype of clothing often worn by my target audience, which could suggest both images show how younger adults like to express themselves. Images of London show how my target audience enjoy certain lifestyles and visiting certain places. Finally images of protesters show how young adults often become politically active as a result of becoming more educated as they reach University Degree level.

Wednesday 18 December 2013

Above is the Album Artwork for the iconic Beatles compilation record "Red Album", containing their earlier  hits released 1962-1966. This image is legendary and immediately can be associated to the British Music scene, as the hits on this album have been house hold names for five decades, favouites at discos for generations, and inspiring the work of more modern music bands, so for these reasons I have decided to recreate this image on the cover of my magazine.
I compared the Beatles "Red Album" with the "Blue Album"; another compilation of their work containing their hits released in the later era of the band spanning 1967-1960. I felt that whilst the iconography of this Beatles image is great, I felt their earlier image was even more signifigant and memorable as they not only inspired the world musically, but sparked fashioned trends that have even resurfaced today.

Sunday 8 December 2013

My selected genre of focus will be the Indie, Mod, Brit Pop & Soft Rock, championing the icons of this genre whilst also providing ample coverage of the modern equivalents. I have therefore decided the target audience for my music magazine will be 16-48 year olds, focussing particularly on the 16 - 25 and 38-48 age ranges. I have chosen this focus because these music genres are followed heavily by members of both age ranges. The magazine I wish to create could effectively provide an education on all aspects of the genres, bringing the icons younger target audience, whilst also introducing the older target audience to their contemporaries. I feel my magazine could provide a comprehensive view of these genres of music.

Thursday 5 December 2013

The following is a list of possible Mastheads I have come up with for my magazine. It is in keeping with my chosen genres of Indie, Brit Pop, Soft Rock & the Mod scene. For inspiration, I looked at similar magazines whilst also scouring the back catalogue of songs of the more classic and legendary bands I would feature in my Publication.

  • Modern World
  • My Generation
  • Twist & Shout
  • Satisfaction

MODERN WORLD - this is the title of the 1977 hit by The Jam, of the same name. I felt this possible Masthead would be clearly nostalgic, whilst also the reference to "Modern" suggests a focus on contemporary music, or at least a contemporary journalistic approach to the music featured. I toyed with the idea of the Masthead "Mod." but I felt that this would be too genre specific, suggesting the magazine only appeals to the Mod scene, therefore off putting for people outside of this circle, due to it's possible cult status.

MY GENERATION - this Masthead was inspired by the 1965 hit by the band The Who. Similar to that of the first example, I felt this was again nostalgic, but also suggested a defiant youthful mode of address, appealing to a younger audience interested in non mainstream music; a niche market.

TWIST & SHOUT - this particular example is inspired by a song originally released by The Isley Brothers in 1961, and despite the record being 52 years old, it still bares a lot of popularity amongst younger audiences, due to it being covered by a number of iconic groups and bands such as The Beatles. This, I felt, boded well for the mode of address I desired; bringing classic and legendary music to the youth of today.

SATISFACTION - finally, this was inspired by The Rolling Stones 1965 hit. The Rolling Stones have achieved iconic like status, appealing to audiences of all ages. The mass scramble for tickets and merchandise released for their 50th Anniversary year is an example of this. A positive of this Masthead is that it gives the audience a sense of satisfaction when reading it, whilst also adearing to my concept for the magazine, that was previously stated. However I feel that it could possibly be mistaken for a Rolling Stones fan magazine, which could be misleading