Monday 4 November 2013

To begin with, I focussed primarily on my Masthead as previously mentioned, there was a specific colour I desired. I also attempted to mimic writing seen in medieval typography, on Olde English Bibles and books. One such example can loosely be seen in the Medieval type story book seen in the opening credits of the "Shrek" Movies.
I decided to use this style of writing as it reflected the time period of the King in question, Henry VIII, and suggested a sense of grandeur, pomp and pageantry about the paper, which again reflected the monarch in question. Although the impressiveness of the font is lost when it is not used with a variety of painted colours seen above, I felt this was more than compensated for by the dull Gold colour. I also feel that the array of colours could only be achieved on a book format, and any attempt to emulate the cacophony of colours on a Masthead would draw away from a conventional magazine style.

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