Wednesday 26 March 2014

I have now began adding in both images from the Front Cover and subsidiary images to the my Contents Page. I decided to take the image of the model holding the "War Is Over" sign outdoors, to show the artist has a caring side, particularly towards nature. She may possibly be on a protest march. The sentiment "War Is Over" is controversial and eye catching and suggests folk, indie and hippy connotations as well as being inspired by John Lennon & Yoko Ono. The props of the sun glasses and hat finish off this chic spiritual look which I feel complements the concept for the image.

Thursday 20 March 2014

To accompany the addition of the Preview Section on the opposing page, I have now added a box with Contact Details for the editor of the magazine including Mail, Phone and E-mail addresses. I felt that this range of contact points would appeal to older and younger members of my target audience, both who favour either more traditional or modern methods of communication. This I felt again would add to the Participation link between the magazine and it's audience. I have also begun adding images to my Contents page.

Tuesday 18 March 2014

Page numbers have now been added to each image on my Contents Page. This was inspired by an edition of Q magazine, and I feel it offers a creative alternative to simply listing each article in the magazine. I've updated the page numbers in each column of articles to be consistent with those used on the images. I also feel they now stand out more effectively, and are therefore more pleasing to the reader. Finally a "preview" section has been included. This provides insight on upcoming live gigs and festivals, which is something that proved popular amongst my target audience in the Questionnaire completed during the market research stages of production.

Friday 14 March 2014

I have now moved forward with my Contents Pages by adding space for a further subsidiary image. I have also added an image of the cover in the top right hand corner of the Contents Page, in an attempt to replicate a similar feature used in other well known music magazines. the Cover image seen above is a mere example and will be replaced by the finished product once completed. I have also added the Masthead in each corner at the bottom of the pages, as well as the page number and issue date. Finally I have added the website to create a multi platform image for the brand, that appeals particularly to the younger section of my target audience, who can be considered mostly technophiles.

Wednesday 12 March 2014

In my "Regulars" section I have given the Publication a diverse selection of features. The "Mail Bag" section is a popular feature in many music magazines, and is one many ways a magazine encourages Participation with it's audience. This is one of the four ways (including Support, Status and Trust) that a magazine engages with it's audience. The Fashion Analysis section gives the impression that the magazine is about more than just the iconic music, but the image that accompanied it too. The "Magic Melody Moments" section is one example of both how the publication provides an education for younger audiences, and a nostalgic look back at the past. Finally the competition section is an added incentive for readers to buy the magazine.

I have now added my new and improved Masthead to the red bar atop my Contents Page, along with the issue number and title "Contents". I placed the issue number higher up as I wanted the magazine to seem to be an established and trusted brand, rather than a newer publication. I felt this would add to the authority and status of the brand. Now I have added references to articles down both column spaces on the left and right flank of the Contents Pages, with detailed synopsis included. I have organised them to include a "Regulars" section down the right, and an articles down the left.

Tuesday 11 March 2014


Due to the fundamental changes made to my Publication regarding the branding and subsequent Masthead, I have re drafted my Front Cover. Now I have included more Sell lines on both sides of the Cover, including a wider range of features in the magazine (including a fashion focus, as well as music) to give the publication more depth. A use of colour has been used in an attempt to make the Cover more ascetically pleasing.  I have modified the Splash to include the name of the band, the "Day Trippers", in an attempt to create a symbol of status and prestige for the band and magazine, as though they are "big" enough to be used a major selling point for this particular edition of the magazine. Finally I have retaken the Main Image to include more musical references, with the inclusion of a number of prop musical instruments.

Saturday 8 March 2014

Seen here is the article featuring in the November 2013 edition of Q magazine, interviewing the band the Arctic Monkeys. I have been inspired by the layout of the article with a huge opening paragraph atop the page, with the main text beneath. I also found the image of the band engaging and felt I could draw much inspiration from this, adding in my own mise-en-scene and props to add to the symbolism of the overall image. This would effectively create an image for the band and the magazine.

Monday 3 March 2014

Over the course of the school break I re evaluated the name of my music magazine. After much deliberation I felt that "Modern World" was too genre specific and that only a small percentage of my younger target audience would understand the connotations to the genre. It also therefore meant that the magazine would not automatically be associated with Music. The overall aim of my Music Magazine was to bring iconic music to a younger audience. this therefore meant my Masthead, "Modern World", did not adequately sum this concept up.

Behold then, the new and improved Masthead for my music magazine "Melody". I felt that this both immediately associated the magazine with music but also harked back to the iconic publication "Melody Maker". The phrase "Yesterdays Music. TODAY" accompanies the Masthead and is an extension of the message and concept that the Masthead represents.