Wednesday 23 April 2014

Evaluation Question 3

What Kind Of Media
Institution Might Distribute
Your Product & Why?
If my music magazine were to be published, I would use a number of institutions to maximise it's potential by distributing it to it's target audience. The first of these companies would be the Bauer Media Group.
Bauer was founded in 1875 in Hamburg Germany and since then has grown to become a multinational media group. Bauer's slogan "We Think Popular" adequately sums up why they'd be the perfect candidate to produce my product: a company with their fingers firmly on the pulse of all that is great and good and popular about the media industry. The recognition and prestige of Bauer would nourish my product and help it grow. Bauer own over 300 titles, meaning they have a strangle hold on the market place with majority ownership. This means that Bauer producing my product would ensure it is competitive with other big selling brands on the market, ensuring it's longevity. Of it's 300 titles, Bauer owns many house hold names such as Kerrang!, Q and Empire. The prestige of these titles would mean my product would become far more lucrative for a potential buyer, therefore increasing it's appeal and ultimately expanding it's readership. Bauer is a multi platform brand owning many  TV & Radio Stations as well having a major input on the internet. This is a crucial weapon in promoting my product to a wider audience, appealing directly to the technophile nature of younger target audiences interested in interactive content. Lastly Bauer operates in 15 countries around the Globe. This would make my product infinitely successful due to the dramatic increase in market.

Secondly I would consider using Time Inc. to distribute my product. Time Inc. are the largest publisher of magazines in America, with a total annual profit exceeding $2.4Billion. As a division of the Time Warner company formed in 1990, they publish 130 magazines, most popular
of all being "TIME" magazine. I believe my product has a huge potential to become successful in the American market due to a number of reasons including it's comprehensive coverage of some of the world's most popular music genres and it's championing of some of the biggest bands in music history. Therefore for this to become a reality, the involvement of such a prestigious and successful company would be of great importance.

Last company I would use to distribute my product would be Frontline. Frontline is Great Britain's largest distribution company and so would prove an ideal candidate to distribute my product.

Frontline are an important business partner for Bauer, as they distribute 160 of their magazines, 58 of them being in the top 200 selling titles in Great Britain. I therefore would see the involvement of Frontline in the production and distribution of my product being of paramount importance.



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