Tuesday 18 February 2014

I have now began drafting the initial stages of my Contents Pages. Here on the left hand page I have included space for an image from the main article of the band featured on the Front Cover. On the right hand page I have left spaces for a number of subsidiary images for other articles in the magazine. I have also left spaces down both left and right for links to other articles in the magazine. the red bar featured across the top of the page will possibly feature the Masthead of my Publication.

Friday 14 February 2014

I have decided to create a double page spread for my Contents pages for my music magazine. I have come to this decision after analysing a number of popular publications, and seeing them use a similar approach. I also felt that a single contents page would not provide my magazine with much depth to the content. Above is the particular edition of Q that has inspired me in terms of layout and structure.

Monday 10 February 2014

Now I have added more Sell Lines to my Front Cover. I've played around with a number of colours to make certain buzz words like "EXCLUSIVE" stand off the page. I am currently experimenting with the idea of using the Mod target symbol as a bullet point for each individual Sell Line. I felt this genre iconography would appeal to my target audience. I have also added a Pug detailing a competition inside that adds to the range of content of the magazine. Finally I've added the issue no. and issue date beneath the mast Head and content for the Footer Line.

Thursday 6 February 2014

Today I added a Splash and Pull Quote. I chose the Splash "Help!" as it was consistent with the Beatles image of the band on the cover. This is continued further with the Pull Quote beneath, as it contains yet more Beatles connotations. I've also inserted a barcode which adds to the dynamics to the layout. The content added to my Header Bar is consistent with the genre of music in the magazine. Finally I've now began trying out ideas for Sell Lines.